August 16, 2011

Les Vacances

I guess my vacations have turned into "blogging vacations" also, sorry about that! I'm going tomorrow to another portuguese summer festival, this time to Paredes de Coura, I'll try my best to take some good pictures and share them with you later on.

For now I'll leave you with a picture on my summer house in the north of Portugal, Viana do Castelo.

Hope you're having a wonderful time as I am!



Corina said...

Nice!! I´m following now, and I hope you come visit my blog too:

Anonymous said...

I can totally relate to this; I blog ALL the time on my holidays! I just came across your blog and it's great. Would you like to follow each other? Let me know, or follow me and I'll follow back!
xoxo, Veena <3

angelieeee said...

enjoy your vacations! ♥
xxxo from Argentina
you can also follow me on Twitter! :) @angelieeee

Emmylou said...

What a great picture. Makes me miss summer...